When I was 4 i believed with all my heart that the next holiday, a barbie doll, playing all day long with my cousins would give me paradise.
When I was 7, I believed a little extremely naughty brother (trust me I got one) would give me paradise.
When I was 13 being the girl with maximum roses would be paradise.
When I was 19, I believed a kickass job and cool steady boy friend would be paradise.
When I was 25 marrying an awesome guy and travelling the world would be paradise.
At 30 I look back, and realise I did everything, I had everything.......and I still haven't found paradise.
Aren't you the elusive one paradise?
I am not sure anymore what should I dream next to achieve paradise. Do I still want paradise...........or maybe not? Maybe I want peace, peace of mind, a peaceful heart, a pure smile not corrupted by bittersweet wisdom.