Saturday, October 22, 2011

People of Libya

Gaddafi died, 40 years of oppression over in a matter of minutes. What do you do when you realise you are suddenly free? What do you do when captivity and oppression is all you have known all your life?
You go mad, you do everything you have ever dreamt of, you live life as you always were, you find love, you laugh like you have never laughed before, you find drugs, you go jay walking, you streak in broad daylight, you write, you drink, you sing loud, you celebrate and you thank God for these moments of complete abandon and freedom.
Ah the taste of freedom, I can almost feel the elation in Libya, the joy, the relief, the sweet tears of liberty.

May you never have to loose a loved one for the fruitless cause of a mad man's designs of governance.
