Thursday, September 8, 2011

Escalation to irony

events you cannot ignore,
coincidences convince you more,

oh irony, what is your plan?
i am sick of being your partner in this game of chess,
it's you I cannot out guess,
Who lives my life, you or I?
And if it is you, I have to say,
you do have a strange sense of humour.
Make me run from pillar to post,
joy and sorrow administered by the hour,
Do you enjoy this charade?
Find another to play with,
Some one who showers you with accoloades.
I know I asked you for life once,
For thrills and adventures known to none,
But I was young and vain, don't judge me by that me,
for the wiser me bears the pain.

Let me be, let me be "home",
Where I belong, who is my own.
Someday I will smile and fade,
in the arms of my home,
and I will be born again,
Irony, I will be ready to play then,
play again this game of chess,
Maybe outwit you with my best guess,

Until then, leave me home,
for there I wish to rest.


  1. Mercy is twice blessed...It blesses the one who is forgiven and the one who has forgiven...

  2. @citizen: do tell me where can i find "mercy"? it seems to keep eluding me all the while
